912 research outputs found

    Aguas Calientes. Evidences directes du transit caravanier entre la Puna méridionale et la vallée Calchaqui

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    En este trabajo se presentan los resultados preliminares de una prospección realizada al norte del volcán Galán (Depto. Antofagasta de la Sierra, Catamarca), con el fin de dar cuenta de rutas de tráfico prehispánicas entre las localidades de Antofagasta de la Sierra (Puna meridional) y Molinos (valles Calchaquíes). Si bien la evidencia registrada es todavía escasa, por tratarse de una investigación que recién iniciamos, creemos que la misma es diagnóstica para una primera aproximación a la problemática del tráfico caravanero y las interacciones sociales prehispánicas entre las áreas mencionadas. Esta permite asimismo la generación de nuevas hipótesis de trabajo en relación a la procedencia, o bien, a la filiación cultural de los actores involucrados en estas prácticas de movilidad.In this paper we present the preliminary results of an archaeological survey carried out in the Volcán Galán area (Antofagasta de la Sierra, Catamarca). The purpose of the survey was to identify pre-Hispanic routes of caravan traffic between Antofagasta de la Sierra (southern Puna) and Molinos (Calchaquí Valley). Although the evidence registered has been scarce, we consider it important for a first approach to the problem of caravan traffic and social interactions between the mentioned areas, as well as for building new hypotheses about provenance and the cultural identity of the social actors involved in these mobile practices.Dans ce travail se présentent les résultats préliminaires d'une prospection réalisée au nord du Volcan Galán (Département de Antofagasta de la Sierra, Province de Catamarca), dans le but de rendre compte des routes de fréquentation préhispanique entre les localités d'Antofagasta de la Sierra (Puna méridionale) et Molinos (Vallées Calchaquies). Bien que l'évidence relevée soit encore faible s'agissant d'une recherche qui vient de commencer, nous croyons que celle-ci constitue déjà un diagnostic pour une première approximation à la problématique de l'activité caravanière et aux interactions sociales préhispaniques entre les aires évoquées plus haut. Elle permet également la génération de nouvelles hypothèses de travail concernant la provenance, ou du moins la filiation culturelle, des acteurs engagés dans ces pratiques de mobilité.Fil: Martel, Alvaro Rodrigo. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Tucuman. Instituto Superior de Estudios Sociales. Universidad Nacional de Tucuman. Instituto Superior de Estudios Sociales; Argentin

    Feature extraction and classification for Brain-Computer Interfaces

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    How a General-Purpose Commonsense Ontology can Improve Performance of Learning-Based Image Retrieval

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    The knowledge representation community has built general-purpose ontologies which contain large amounts of commonsense knowledge over relevant aspects of the world, including useful visual information, e.g.: "a ball is used by a football player", "a tennis player is located at a tennis court". Current state-of-the-art approaches for visual recognition do not exploit these rule-based knowledge sources. Instead, they learn recognition models directly from training examples. In this paper, we study how general-purpose ontologies---specifically, MIT's ConceptNet ontology---can improve the performance of state-of-the-art vision systems. As a testbed, we tackle the problem of sentence-based image retrieval. Our retrieval approach incorporates knowledge from ConceptNet on top of a large pool of object detectors derived from a deep learning technique. In our experiments, we show that ConceptNet can improve performance on a common benchmark dataset. Key to our performance is the use of the ESPGAME dataset to select visually relevant relations from ConceptNet. Consequently, a main conclusion of this work is that general-purpose commonsense ontologies improve performance on visual reasoning tasks when properly filtered to select meaningful visual relations.Comment: Accepted in IJCAI-1

    Steady-State Visual Evoked Potentials to drive a Brain Computer Interface

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    Passivation of carbon steel using intelligent epoxy paint

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    This paper presents the production of an epoxy paint associated with a determined concentration of PAni emeraldine base binder, in order to increase dispersion of PAni polymer chains in the paint allow physical contact between PAni chains, the electrolytic medium, and the metal of interest. The coating called Intelligent Epoxy Paint (IEP) seeks to potentialize the electrolytic capacity of PAni to produce passivation, differentiated research which uses PAni in oxidized and conductive form as paint pigment that needs high PAni concentrations. The physicochemical characterization and morphological presented results that indicate the preservation of the desirable properties of PAni in order to make the passivation process possible. The electrochemical tests showed the passivation and/or maintenance of the passivation of the metal of interest, without the need to apply an external current

    A Change Execution System for Enterprise Services with Compensation Support

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    Modern enterprises rely on a distributed IT infrastructure to execute their business processes, adopting Service Oriented Architectures in order to improve the flexibility and ease of adaptation of their functions. Nowadays this is a vital characteristic, as the increased competition forces companies to continuously evolve and adapt. SOA applications must be supported by management and deployment systems, which have to continuously apply modifications to the distributed infrastructure. This article presents a modelbased solution for automatically applying change plans to heterogeneous enterprise managed environments. The proposed solution uses models which describe in an abstract language the changes that need to be applied to the environment, and executes all the required operations to the specific managed elements. Also, to ensure that the environment ends in a stable state, compensation for previously executed operations is supported. The validation results from a case study taken from the banking domain are also presented here

    The Semiotics of images in Archaeology: the case of ‘shell-like motifs’

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    En sociedades carentes de escritura o de otro soporte material del texto lingüístico, la imagen es, frecuentemente, uno de los respaldos discursivos más corrientes de la ideología de grupo. La imagen, tal como aparece en el arte rupestre, en la cerámica o en la textilería arqueológicas, tiene mucho para decir sobre cómo se pensaron a sí mismas y cómo pensaron el mundo culturas hoy desaparecidas; así también, sobre cómo se dieron en ellas las disputas por el poder que es, siguiendo a Anthony Giddens, uno de los tres aspectos de la interacción social y al que el sociólogo británico entiende como “la aptitud de producir una diferencia en un estado de cosas o curso de sucesos preexistentes” (2011:23). Para el estudio de la imagen –en nuestro caso, la imagen arqueológica-, creemos que la semiótica peirceana es una herramienta sumamente útil, capaz de abrirnos camino a hipótesis interpretativas eficaces y bien sustentadas. De acuerdo a estos lineamientos, presentamos el análisis semiótico de las representaciones de hachas personificadas, conocidas como “escutiformes”, cuya presencia en el arte rupestre tardío del Noroeste argentino (s. X – XV), se ha asociado siempre a la idea de surgimiento y consolidación de individuos o élites de poder que pugnan por el control de determinados territorios y recursos, en un contexto de conflicto endémico que, en este lapso, afectó a gran parte de la comunidades andinas centromeridionales.Within societies which do not possess any writing system or another material support for linguistic texts, images frequently are one of the common discursive endorsements of group ideology. The image, as it appears in rock art, ceramics or archaeological textiles, has much to say on how disappeared cultures thought about themselves and the world, as well as on the fight over power that is, following Anthony Giddens, one of the three aspects of social interaction, understood as “the ability to produce a difference on a state of things or a preexistent events course” (Giddens 2011:23). If we want to analyze and study images –in our case, archaeological images-, peircean semeiotics is an extremely useful tool, very able to lay way for us to well sustained and effective interpretative hypotheses. Following these lines, we present hereby the semeiotic analysis of representations of personified axes, known as “escutiformes”, whose presence in the late rock art of Argentinean northwest area (s. X - XV), has always been associated to the idea of sprouting and consolidation of individuals or elites of power that struggled over the control of certain territories and resources, in a context of endemic conflict that affected great part of central and southern Andes communities during this period.Fil: Martel, Alvaro Rodrigo. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Tucumán. Instituto Superior de Estudios Sociales. Universidad Nacional de Tucumán. Instituto Superior de Estudios Sociales; ArgentinaFil: Giraudo, Silvia Estela. Universidad Nacional de Tucumán. Facultad de Ciencias Naturales e Instituto Miguel Lillo; Argentin

    Survey on Evaluation Methods for Dialogue Systems

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    In this paper we survey the methods and concepts developed for the evaluation of dialogue systems. Evaluation is a crucial part during the development process. Often, dialogue systems are evaluated by means of human evaluations and questionnaires. However, this tends to be very cost and time intensive. Thus, much work has been put into finding methods, which allow to reduce the involvement of human labour. In this survey, we present the main concepts and methods. For this, we differentiate between the various classes of dialogue systems (task-oriented dialogue systems, conversational dialogue systems, and question-answering dialogue systems). We cover each class by introducing the main technologies developed for the dialogue systems and then by presenting the evaluation methods regarding this class

    Produção de biocombustíveis a partir de dejetos orgânicos

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    Anais do IV Encontro de Iniciação Científica da Unila - “UNILA 5 anos: Integração em Ciência, Tecnologia e Cultura na Tríplice Fronteira” - 05 e 06 de novembro de 2015 – Sessão Engenharia Civil e Engenharia de Energías RenováveisLevantamento Bibliográfico sobre métodos de transesterificação usando varias etapas para Biodiesel -Levantamento métodos sobre la formação de Biogás. Realização das amostras de Biodiesel separando a glicerina para a etapa do Biogás e Biodiesel para a análise de qualidade. -Anotações dos resultados com diferentes métodos utilizados juntamente com a discussão dos resultados obtidos. -Viajem para para duas cidades Porto Alegre, com a finalidade de conhecer o sistema de coleta de resíduos, coleta seletiva. - Visitar em Porto Alegre a planta de biodiesel da UFRGS. Começo das amostras de biogás e amostra de resultados. -Viajem para para duas cidades Curitiba, com a finalidade de conhecer o sistema de coleção de resíduos e a coleta seletiva. Juntamento de dados dos resultados obtidos durante o ano -Desenvolvimento teórico para a planta piloto de Biodiesel -Viajem para para duas cidades Florianópolis, com a finalidade de conhecer o sistema de coleção de resíduos e a coleta seletiva.Bolsas Fundação Araucári

    Clothes of power: comparing textiles and rock art of northwestern Argentina (13th to 15th centuries)

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    Proponemos que la suma de atributos visuales presentes en un conjunto de representaciones rupestres antropomorfas del Período de Desarrollos Regionales (PDR) e Inca del NO de Argentina estaría relacionada con la conformación de un lenguaje visual de poder que se vincularía: a) en el PDR, con el surgimiento y/o consolidación de grupos y/o comunidades con pretensiones territoriales e identitarias específicas y, b) durante el Período Inca, con una estrategia de intervención estatal que apeló a la apropiación de íconos vigentes, resignificándolos para la instauración de un nuevo poder y/o para la explicitación de las alianzas entabladas. Para ello, partimos de un estudio comparativo sistemático que tomó en cuenta dicho registro rupestre y la muestra de piezas textiles sincrónicas, recuperadas en la región del NO y centro de Argentina y que integró, en ambos soportes, un examen de los aspectos representativos y estructurales, entendidos como partes indivisibles de una totalidad.In this paper we suggest that a particular assemblage of visual attributes observed in a number of specific types of anthropomorphic rock-art depictions of the last moments of Regional Developments Period (RDP) in NW Argentina, could be related to the conformation of a visual language of power. This could be associated to: a) the emergence and consolidation of different groups and/or communities with specific territorial and identity claims during RDP, and b) during the Inca Period, with a state intervention strategy to appropriate and resignify existing local icons in order to establish a new power and/or explicitness of new alliances. To this end we carried out a comparative and systematic study that included the analysis of RDP rock art record and textiles recovered in NW and Central Argentina. In addition we examined representative and synchronous technical aspects, both understood as indivisible parts of the whole.Fil: Lopez Campeny, Sara Maria Luisa. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Tucuman. Instituto Superior de Estudios Sociales. Universidad Nacional de Tucuman. Instituto Superior de Estudios Sociales; Argentina. Universidad Nacional de Tucumán. Facultad de Ciencias Naturales e Instituto Miguel Lillo. Instituto de Arqueología y Museo; ArgentinaFil: Martel, Alvaro Rodrigo. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Tucuman. Instituto Superior de Estudios Sociales. Universidad Nacional de Tucuman. Instituto Superior de Estudios Sociales; Argentina. Universidad Nacional de Tucumán. Facultad de Ciencias Naturales e Instituto Miguel Lillo. Instituto de Arqueología y Museo; Argentin